Place To Go


Original batik paintings are on display here and available for sale to collectors. They are drawn by some of Malaysia's most renowned Batik Artists like
Tan Thean Song, Chuah Soo Beng, Goh Beow Lain, Lai Teik Keong and Goh Kye Hock.

They range in size from small portraits to huge tapestries and are priced between a few hundred to several thousand Ringgit each.

In the northwest corner of Penang Island lies Taman Negara Pulau Pinang. This discreet nature reserve straddles 1,266 hectares of coastal hill dipterocarps, mangroves, beaches, and rocky shores. In Peninsular Malaysia, it ranks second in size to Taman Negara. Although some parts were logged until the early 1970's, the forest remains largely intact. 
As a metropolitan national park, it has potential for world heritage listing. Many species of flora and fauna - including rare and endangered ones - thrive here, barely 45 minutes from the city centre.

 Well-planned access and infrastructure will strengthen the park's potential for eco-tourism. There are no roads - only trails, boardwalks, and walkways.

Taman Negara Pulau Pinang sends out a strong message about sustainable development. Just as Muka Head's antique lighthouse still guides ships safely to port, Taman Negara Pulau Pinang shines like a beacon of hope for preserving our natural heritage.

Tropical Fruit Farm  

Malaysia has been a melting pot for many races, religions and cultures. It too has been home for some 370 species of edible fruits including exotic ones to suit even the fussiest eater.

Tropical Fruit Farm was built to preserve our green heritagae. As a contribution to future generations of Malaysia, we have planted all types of local fruits as well as fruits from around the world. We want the farm to play its positive role towards agriculture despite the intensive development in our country's rural area.

Here on the 25-acre Tropical Fruit Farm, we have more than 250 types of tropical and sub-tropical fruits. Some of which will tantalise your taste buds. Not only are they delectable, they are also rich in natural vitamins, minerals and fibres too.

Seashell Craft at Teluk Bahang Homestay

A demonstration of seashell craft by Pn Jinaton in Teluk Bahang. Homestay visitors will be able to learn from one of the best in this craft.

Here Mrs Jinaton is making a flower out of clam shells. It will take almost 2 weeks to clean up the shells and ensure there is no more smell.